Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Temporary Darkness

There was a lunar eclipse yesterday, at around 15 Aquarius. A more interesting eclipse, solar, will occur on 21 August, at around 29 Leo, and will be visible across the USA - something that doesn't often happen. What makes the 21 August eclipse interesting is that it "hits" the position of Regulus, the "Royal Star" on President Donald Trump's Leo ascendant. Astrologers are quite clear that they are expecting...well...something; if not immediately then within coming months; some say perhaps as long as a couple of years hence. That latter prediction seems a bit of a cop out though. Anyone, without benefit of astrology, could confidently foresee that something of importance affecting President Trump will happen between now and mid-2019. Heck, the way things have been trending, something happens affecting the Prez in each 24-hour period! He himself sees to that!

This piece is a good read, it's by by Max Kuttner (not an astrologer, but he quotes several):

The Solar Eclipse Could Mean Disaster for Trump, According to Astrologers

I'm not generally a fan of astrological predictions based on eclipses, they seldom bear as much fruit as expected. I suspect astrologers try to be too precise - looking for trees instead of forest, but even so, I'll be watching to discover if this particular eclipse, on 21st, with its specific features seeming to relate to the USA, and to President Trump, provides some kind of evidence - maybe it'll change my mind! We're already plodding through a pretty deep forest, politics-wise, perhaps once the eclipse has passed lighter days will emerge. Oh dear - was that my inner Pollyanna peeping out? Maybe so. There's a poem titled "Eclipse" by Azubuogu chinwendu chukwudi (HERE), and it begins with a similar thought:
The eclipse does not become endless night
The reappearance of light is the same as the survival of soul
The eclipse
Such indeed a character of the historic hour through which
the world was passing

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